Custom fields on testimonial collection page
Matt Bourne
Sander Belaen would definitely appreciate dropdown list and check box.
We need to request specific user consent to use the video in certain places and would be great to identify type of user with a dropdown.
Sander Belaen
Sander Belaen
Sander Belaen: this feature was already released, there's any chance to add other type of fields? Example: Checkbox, Radio Button and Dropdown List ?
Sander Belaen
Rodrigo: Yes! it indeed shipped yesterday. We always ship features silently first, and after experiencing no issues with it after a couple of days, then we send everyone an update email.
Regarding the question, we are open to all feedback.
First thoughts are that, most people who requested this wanted some additional information, which they couldn't, uptill now. This already is a niche feature, and these other data types would probably not be used that much all. I would love to learn what type of data you would like to collect tusing checkbbox, radio buttons or dropdown list?
Sander Belaen: Niceeee about the custom fields follow some examples:
Radio Button: Any simple Yes/No questions >> Are you our current customer? Do you work with digital marketing? Would you like to receive our communications by email?
Checkbox: Anything that user can check multiple options... What did you like most about the product you bought (show options to multiple selection)? What services have you contracted with our company (show options to multiple selection)? What areas of expertise do you work in (show options to multiple selection)? How do you prefer to be contacted (whatsapp, email, phone, etc).
Dropdown: Similar to radio, any question that user can select just one choice but instead of show a lot of fields you show a simple list and user select. Example: Where did you find out about our company? (Google Search, ADS, Refer a Friend, Magazine, etc.).