
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


As Socialjuice gains brand awareness, we added a Socialjuice review score badge to the options!
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You can now bulk import your Google reviews with one click.
After that you can set up an auto import job, that runs every 48 hours, to import new reviews automatically, and even automatically approve them based on the star rating.
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We updated the model used for our Socialjuice AI feature to OpenAI latest and greatest version of the large language model. It ensures the best possible outcomes for our intended use case as well, as it understands all context even better.
You can now create beautiful social media posts from your text reviews.
Go from review to social post in one click. Download as high res image.
Change any of the following aspects of the post:
  • Custom background image
  • Custom background color
  • Dark / Light mode
  • Any of our colourful background gradients
  • Toggle review source icon
  • Toggle star icons
  • Change size to fit the intended social media platform
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We redesigned our dashboard, to make it more intuitive and easier to use.
It makes it easier for people who are new to the platform to know where to start.
Some cool features are now also way more visible, like
  • labels
  • consent type forms
  • custom form fields
  • approximate location data.
This update also includes a larger video player, as well as a new forms screen. More on that later.
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Hoi from Amsterdam! You can now create labels, you can see them as categories, then add as many of these to individual reviews as you want. This allows you to them create widgets that only include reviews that have certain tags. This allows you to create widgets with a selection of reviews.
How it works:
Create as many labels as you want, see them as categories or groups. After creating them, you can add these labels to individual reviews and video testimonials.
Once you've done that, you can create a new widget, and choose the labels you want to include. It will automatically show all public reviews that have those labels.
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You're now able to change the page title, meta description, OG share image and favicon which has effect on how your collection page link shows up in search results, as well as in social media link previews.
If this has your branding, it makes it much more trustworthy, ultimately resulting in more clicks, and more reviews!
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You're now able to edit testimonials.
This is handy to edit typos, and fix punctuations, or other spelling issues that could make your testimonial less professional.
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As a
I can
import my existing testimonials from third party testimonials
so that
I can include them on my embed widgets and place them on my website as well.
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